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Author, Actor & Host ...Michael KebeGet off to a fast start learn to become a Model and Actor!Michael's ResumePhotosContact us and let us know your thoughts and questionsVideo
Actor, Author & Host 

Mike Kebe is a journeyman actor and an author.  He has worked on two full feature films, the first one called "Gringo Wedding", as a supporting role. This movie was shot in the Country of Colombia and in Miami Florida.  The second movie, "Bumping Off Burt" was shot in Ft. Lauderdale and he enjoyed performing as one of the leads.   His book called "Don't Wait to be Great" is available through Amazon.

He has appeared in lots of commercials.  Toyota, Rembrandt, Burger King, Disney, Motorola, Tony Roma's, Microsoft, Master Card, Winn Dixie, ITT,The American Cancer Society, YAK International, and many more. 

Mike hosted many TV shows some of them are as follows, "Family Focus", " Today's Man",  and "Lifestyles Today." He has appeared on TV as the Host and Spokesperson for Adelphia, Channel 10  "Guarantee Floridian", Broken Sound C.C. and Channel 20  "The Public Utilities".  He also made an appearance as a lead, on the "Get Packing" reality show broadcast on The Travel Channel.  Michael also has enjoyed being a live Host/Spokesperson for Guinness Beer.

Mike is no stranger to leadership and motivating people.  He has helped others reach for their dreams as a motivational speaker for an international organization and continues to work as an actor, host, spokesperson, and commercial personality in the entertainment industry. 

Coming from a close-knit family of 10 kids.  Mike received his strong family values at a young age and has always been goal-oriented.  His positive and strong work ethics have helped him achieve success in sports, coaching his daughter's fastpitch softball team, acting, lifestyle modeling, busniness ownership and writing. He proudly holds a degree in Applied Science from The Ohio State University.  

To see Michael's resume click here Michael's Resume

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